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May 26th 2022

Glass act as Krysteline rolls out to islands around the world

A glass recycling technology specialist headquartered in Hampshire has added an island chain off the eastern seaboard of Canada to its international order book.

St. Pierre and Miquelon, Newfoundland, are among nearly 35 islands across the world to utilise Krysteline’s expertise.

The company, headquartered at Ocean Village Innovation Centre, Southampton, provides its patented technology to a growing number of islands where recycling facilities are unavailable and landfill is not an option.

March 17th 2022

Orchard roots in Southampton

A brand-new recruitment consultancy has signed up to workspace at Ocean Village Innovation Centre (OVIC) in Southampton.

Orchard Recruiting is the latest firm to put down roots at the thriving business centre, home to 55 businesses.

The consultancy is focusing on commercial jobs – temporary and permanent – for employers and job seekers, including office administrators, finance, accountancy, marketing and human resources.

March 8th 2022

Recruiter MCR builds with new jobs

A specialist recruitment consultancy in Southampton is on the expansion trail. MCR, which moved into business hub Ocean Village Innovation Centre, has seen demand soar in the UK’s residential development sector. Established just before the first lockdown in March 2020, the business has forged ahead.

June 22nd 2021

A five minute chat with DFS Composites

We sat down with Feras Yosef from DFS composites who told us a little bit about their company, what they are up to and why they chose to be based at our centre!

May 3rd 2017

Maritime firms anchor at Innovation Centre

A thriving innovation centre for businesses in Southampton is helping drive growth in the UK’s £13.5 billion maritime sector. […]

November 17th 2016


How one online learning provider, Popcorn, has burst on to the UK scene from its base at Ocean Village Innovation Centre. […]